Flashback to 1992


Did you attend Northland in 1992? Thirty years ago the US population was 254,994,517 people and the average life expectancy was 75.8 years. A gallon of milk was $2.78, a dozen eggs were 93 cents and a gallon of regular gas was $1.13.

The median household income was $30,636 and the average new home cost was $144,100. In sports, the Dallas Cowboys won the Super Bowl, the Chicago Bulls won the NBA championship and the Toronto Blue Jays won the World Series.

Aladdin was the top grossing movie, Academy Awards went to Al Pacino for best actor and Emma Thompson for best actress. “Just Another Day” was the Billboard top song of the year, whiles “Tears in Heaven” was the Grammy Awards record and song of the year. How many of those shows and songs do you remember?

To see what else was going on in the world during 1992 click the link below.

1992 Flashback


Northland High School Scenes from 1992

Paid members can see many more memories by checking out the 1992 Valhalla yearbook located here