
The 1967 Valhalla Yearbook is available for all to see.  At this time there are 24 other yearbooks that NHSAF has been able to add on this site, paid for either by donations or via proceeds from NHSAF events.  If you would like to sponsor the addition of a yearbook with a $50 contribution, please contact Laurie (Howden) Spinosi at

Yearbooks can be seen when logging in as a paid member.  Paid memberships will be approved only for those who attended Northland or were staff at this high school.  The yearbooks currently available for viewing are: 1967-1975, 1977, 1979, 1982, 1983, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1992, 1994, 1997, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2010, 2012.

Go to “Membership” and join today!



1967Dedicated to all who helped establish Northland High School from the onset:

*Principal Leslie M. Evans and all of the faculty and staff
*The Booster Association
*Students in grades 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, Parents and Community

And, to those alumni who continue to carry on the vision after graduation:

* NHSAF Board of Directors: (Sean F. Milner ’86, Neal (Ric) Johnson ’71, Barbara Moore Ruhl ’69,  Laurie Howden Spinosi ’72)
* NHSAF Board: (Rob Ruhl ’69, Randy Suver ’71, Pam Jones Zeirott ’72, Jim Hartigan ’79, Marc Schmid ’82, Natalie Stone Wildman ’85, Bob Campbell ’71, Anne Fierce Krieger ’72)
* Those who worked in the early years with NHSAF Softball tournaments in the 90’s
* Those who helped Ric Johnson launch the NHS All Class Reunions in 2002: Pat Anderson, Steve Armstrong, Kathi Carifa, Laurie Howden, Pam Jones, John Morrow, Debi Wedemeyer
* NHSAF Members
* NHSAF Donors and Sponsors

1969 – In honor of Barbara (Moore) Ruhl and Rob Ruhl ’69 for their work with NHSAF

Yearbook sponsored by NHSAF

1970– In honor of Mr. Hubert Zaayer, NHS Activities Coordinator 1966-1977

Yearbook sponsored by NHSAF

1971– In honor of Neal (Ric) Johnson for creating the All Class Reunions and his dedication to NHSAF

Yearbook sponsored by Bob Campbell ’71

1972– In honor of Penny Johnson, Jeff Rader and other ’72 classmates no longer with us

Yearbook sponsored by Nancy Rader and  Neal (Ric) Johnson ’71

1973 – Many thanks to Pam Alves for providing her yearbook for us to scan.

1974 – Many thanks to Pam Alves for providing her yearbook for us to scan.

1975 – Many thanks to Penny Elke for providing her yearbook for us to scan.

1977 –
1979– Yearbook sponsored by Frank Blacksher ’82
1982– In honor of Coach Elaine Boltz and the 1982 Lady Vikings State Basketball Championship Team Yearbook sponsored by by NHSAF
1983– Yearbook sponsored by Sean F. Milner ’86
1986– In honor of Sean Freddie Milner ’86 for all of his efforts over the years creating NHSAF

Yearbook sponsored by NHSAF


1988 -Many thanks to Rae Ann Martin-Lowden for providing her yearbook for us to scan.






1998 – In honor of all the kids who grew up on the north side. Sponsored by Lynda McLaughlin, Realtor for Howard Hanna Real Estate Services.

2001– In honor of all the kids who grew up on the north side. Sponsored by Lynda McLaughlin, Realtor for Howard Hanna Real Estate Services.